Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Final Apology Post For Semester 1

Dear Master Wrigley,

This is a formal apology post for all of the the bullshi...wining that went on in class. Much apologies.  You did teach. I have learned a lot. So thank you kindly for not failing the whole class, and removing the video assignment.

Yours Respectfully,


Final Exam Yearbook Spread

This is my final exam yearbook spread.  I chose to do a yearbook spread because I have mainly been making spreads in class and I have the most experence with CS2.  I chose the theme of spirit because I love the spirit at Korah and there are plenty of photos available in the shared drive.  Please note that I was under a time constraint to finish this.  It is not the most creative spread, as there was not enough time for the creative juices in my mind to really start to flow.  I also copied an article about spirit from I think it is quite deserving of a 97%. Thank you.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Final Exam Post

In my opinion communication technology is becoming more and more important in today's society.  Technology is rapidly advancing, changing the way the entire world communicates.  Paper letters have gone out of fashion as, e-mail, My-Space and Facebook take over the communication world.  Statistics show that the amount of Facebook users is so high, that if Facebook was a country it would be ranked third largest in the world in terms of population.  Now that is social networking at its finest.  It is solid proof that communication technology is becoming more importnat in the lives of everyday people.  From the "smart phone revolution" to the "i pad" and the "e-reader" it is obvious that continuous change is unavoidable. 

Where is communication technology headed? Straight to the top.  It could be the solution to some of the world's seemingly "unsolvable" issues.  The pressure on the environment is so huge right now, and it is only getting worse.  Communication technology can help relieve the pressure on the forest industry, eliminating the obscene amount of paper that is ending up in landfills.  Communication technology also has a great effect on the economy of the world, as Google and Apple are leading companies in the stock market and the anticipation of Facebook joining the ranks is constantly growing.  It will only get better. Soon it may be possible that an app on your i phone will be able to determine the optimum pH level for planting tomatoes in your garden, or the rate at which you should save money if you want to buy a car in 3 years... the possibilites are truly endless.

In five years? Hmm, i think that Facebook will have reached the 1 billion mark, your smart phone will be able to start your car and all official government documents will be easily accessed using an i pad, i phone or any other product Apple cooks up in the next five years.  Social networking and email will be the #1 source of communication, letters will be a thing of the past.  Phone calls will be occasional, and the world wide web will dominate.  But who really knows?  I already think that smart phones can do everything, but apparently not!  Ideas are endless and the world of communication technology provides an endless outlet!  But don't worry I'll send you a message from my smart phone in five years time!

Goodbye for now!

Jan 17th-21st

I have been hard at work on my yard clean up spread.  This week we were supopsed to be working on the video assignment but Brianna and I were handed the artwork for the yearbook cover and title page.  We had to work out a few kinks, because we realized that we needed our art to be bigger than 11 x 17.  So we will be figuring out how to fix that problem in our after school yearbook meetings.  So in the meantime I will post my spread as a jpg. as it is not yet packaged.  It is still rough so be nice...

p.s. I accedentally hit save instead of post last week, so the post date is a bit off

This is my rough Yard Clean Up spread

Friday, January 7, 2011

Jan 5-Jan 7 Weekly Post

I bird sketch that I may be possibly using on my Yard Clean Up spread.

A bird that I decorated and enhanced on Photo Shop Elements

A poster I made for Green Council
There were only three days this week because we were coming back from the Christmas break.  So not much has happened! But i did improve and enhance my photoshop skills as seen above! I enchanced the sketches of the birds and I altered the colours. I also made a poster for green council encouraging people to recycle their milk cartons! I am also hard at work on my yard clean up spread, and am currently writing the body copy!

Until next week.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dec 13th-17th Weekly Post

This is my final blogpost before christmas break! On monday Bri and I finished editing all of the portraits for the yearbook.  On Tuesday I figured out how much space the Gr.9 portraits will take up in the yearbook.  Wensday and Thursday(today) I edited photos and worked on my yearbook spread. I will definatley ve able to have it done ni teh new year.  Today is my last day! I am leaving to go to Mexico tomorrow! Have a Marry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Until 2011,

Friday, December 10, 2010

Dec. 6th -10th Weekly Post

This week was a bit scattered! I did a lot of different things! On Monday I made a poster to encourage people to recycle their milk cartons for Green Council,using Photoshop ELements, a program which I officially love. On Tusday I read a chapter on Digital Overdrive and did a quiz. I also made a logo for Green Counci which will be screen printed onto grocery bags. On Wensday I worked on my yard clean up spread for the yearbook. I am getting better and better at using CS2. Thursday was a very busy day! I took pictures for the Breast Cancer Cut for the Cure and I took pictures of Gr.8 students coming to experence Korah life. In class I did another chapter of Digital Overdrive and did another quiz. I find it very interesting, and am learning a lot about production of a film. On Friday i continued to work on my yard clean up spred.

Until next week,